Estes Park CO weather is sometimes difficult to predict, as conditions can change quickly. However, knowing the average temperatures and conditions to expect can help you more effectively plan your vacation getaway.
Spring (April and May)
The Estes Park weather forecast for spring often announces wide variations in temperatures and is very unpredictable. A surprise snowfall is not uncommon.
In general in April, highs are in the 50s and lows in the lower 20s, and in May average daily highs are in the 60s and lows in the 30s.
Summer (June, July, August)
June through August is a great time to visit Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park. Always be prepared for afternoon thundershowers, though, and pack your rain gear. It can get windy, too, which is quite common in this area.
Temperatures range in the 70s or even the 80s during the day, and at night drop down to the low 40s.
Fall (September, October, November)
Estes Park Colorado weather in autumn can be unpredictable, sometimes with unexpected snowfall, but mostly you’ll see clear blue skies and dry weather during September and October. Don’t forget a warm jacket, and waterproof clothing to have on hand in case it does snow.
The highs during the day in September and October range from 57 to 69 degrees F, and lows from 27 to 36 degrees F. In November, temperatures drop to an average of 41 as the high and 18 as the low.
Winter (December, January, February, March)
On the eastern side of Rocky Mountain National Park (including Estes Park) you’ll find less snowpack. The western side of the park experiences more snow and less wind. At higher elevations in the park, blizzards are common, and sudden.
The daily high temperatures range in the mid 30s until March when the highs are in the 40s. Lows are commonly in the teens at night.