Rocky Mountain National Park Weddings

Rocky Mountain National Park
> Vacations
> Weddings


A lot of details can go into planning a Rocky Mountain National Park or Estes Park wedding. Start here and find local wedding planners, great venues, professional photographers, caterers and bakers, and much more.

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Providers These companies can get you there

Beaver Meadows Resort Ranch

Host your dream wedding at Beaver Meadows Resort Ranch, where stunning Rocky Mountain views and charming venues create a magical backdrop for your special day.

Wedding Locations

While nearby towns offer a variety of venues from hotels and resorts to ranches and private facilities, there are also a number of wedding venues within Rocky Mountain National Park.

Wedding Permit

A special use permit is required to hold a wedding ceremony within Rocky Mountain National Park. A fee of $150 is required with your application and you can find a Permit Application online.

Marriage License

A marriage license can be obtained by visiting the closest County Clerk's Office.

  • Fort Collins - 970-498-7860
  • Loveland - 970-679-4526
  • Estes Park - 970-577-2027